Friday, December 29, 2006

Who/What is the ALF?

Short answer: You....right wing, left wing, middle long as you are willing to fight in some way, politically, socially, militarily, etc. to protect this nation. (not extremism....just patriotism)

Long answer: We are mainline Americans who know we are not being protected by our government and refuse to keep our hands tied. We know we will not please everyone. Some will want it more militant. Some will want less so, etc. But the goal is to build a big enough tent that brings in the lefties AND the righties...all are welcome.

Though the basic positions of the ALF are set out in this blog (See Purposes & Rules of the ALF), they are just "starting places", "jumping-off points" if you will. We post them here hoping for feedback.

Yes, I am a sane man with four children, a wonderful wife, a nice home in suburbia. I am an attorney and 'civically' and politically involved. I go to soccer games, paint spare bedrooms, put up Christmas decorations, see my doctor, and pay my taxes. I am concerned about aging parents, paying for braces, and the price of gas. I am just like you. But I am NOT one of the dangerous new breed of treasonous sheep. I will NOT go quietly in the night. I will NOT idly stand around wringing my hands hoping for some invisible faith in America to protect me from a dictator in the White House. I will NOT be blind to the fact that millions of fellow Americans voted for this criminal president and would do so again tomorrow. I will not stand with hands folded as giant racist corporations continue to circumvent the law by hiring illegal immigrants and creating a dangerous sub-worker's-class of wage-slaves.

We are not wackos, radical, paranoid extremist. And neither are you. We understand. We are mothers and fathers, sons and daughters, patriots all, furious at this government for stealing trillions of dollars from our children, and the future generations, to fund illegal wars, and line the pockets of the corporations which feed them. Angry at this government for granting the president dictator powers, and putting our liberties at serious risk. Furious at the speedy decline our current leaders have this great nation where an enormous class of indentured servants are illegally baited into this country, illegally come to this country and are illegally hired as wage-slaves. And on.

Not only has this president [sic] not kept his oath of office to uphold the Constitution, but he and his supporters have actively subverted the Constitution and empowered the Office of the President with dictator powers. Is their a worse form of treason? And few see the Democratic-controlled Congress as being able to (politically, etc.) reverse this horrible course anytime soon. This president laughs in the face of Americans dying daily for his illegal war. He openly said on his first inauguration that if he was dictator, it would "make it easier". He has no respect for the Office, and more importantly, he has no respect for his employer, and the owners of that and me. What would Tom Paine say to us? What would Jefferson, Washington, Lincoln or Lee say? What millions of Americans before us have died to protect, the majority of Americans (left and right) now seem to ambivalently "give away."

We live in a dangerous, unprecedented time in American history...and it is time for the rise of collective boldness and courage. If you are like us, you never dreamed of joining an organization like this....but now can't remain silent any want to be part of making a difference for your children's experience of what it is to be an American, to stand up and be counted...not to risk being associated with any criminal or hateful activity, but to do something which WILL make a positive difference.

After the next terrorist attack on US soil (who in their right mind doesn't know that it will only be a matter of time), America will wake up to find themselves in a country where an estimated 2 million (or 10%) of the 20 million illegal immigrants are estimated to turn militant to some degree...where one person, the president, has the power to declare anyone an enemy and lock them up for their life without the right to a trial or attorney. This is unprecedented in the history of the United States, and few doubt our Founders would tolerate it. In fact, our Founders would be surprised by our timidity and passivity.

Where are the American patriots who are brave enough to form together publicly to denounce such treason, and to stand together to stop it? We are here. We are the American Liberty Front. We are you.

As I said, the ALF is in its "founding" days, and is looking for the bold leaders who will help shape it for decades to come. If you are interested in more information, please contact us at , and let us know. We would love to have you as a founding member, and your identity can be kept entirely protected, if you choose. Come help us draft the organization's original principles, help recruit and spread the word, help change America, help restore and protect American liberties.

We are resolute, and bound together in a common cause and purpose.
Please feel free to re-post this anywhere. All US citizens are welcome.

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