Monday, January 8, 2007

Coming Together

As many of you know, through private emails and phone calls, there is an ALF meet-up in the works. This will be an organizational meet in the Dallas, Texas area, and the 29 points below will be heavily kicked around. Your input is needed. You will be listened to. So come ready to talk (and listen, and compromise).

If you are wanting to join a group whose main purpose is paintballing and bitchin', this ain't it, friend. Go do that. But do consider the ALF too. This is a very serious-minded, legal, organization. Not another group of Nam-Vets (I have nothing but respect gentlemen, but I do want some of the younger guys to know that the ALF is not just a reincarnation of some of your 90's groups). That said, Nam dudes are welcome and encouraged, as their wisdom is indispensable.

Keep your emails coming, and please spread the word. At a critical mass, we'll set a the ALF standards up the pole and see who to speak.


Thursday, January 4, 2007

American Patriot Companies

I was recently disheartened to learn a vast number of American businesses have gone to the dark-side, so to speak, by catering to illegal immigrants.

One is, of all things, Bank of America, which aggressively seeks to provide services to/for "undocumented" immigrants. As my bank is (but soon will thus not be) BOA, it made me wonder what other businesses do I regularly use which also cater to felons who threaten our nation.

Perhaps that list would be hard to determine. But at the very least, I would like to stop buying products made by companies which employ illegal immigrants (IIs), or hire service companies which employ IIs, or shop at stores which are known to employ IIs. For example, I know Pilgrim's Pride heavily employs IIs....thus I (and hopefully you) never buy any Pilgrim's Pride product.

We should have the right to know which American companies are American Patriot Companies which pledge to not knowingly employ illegal immigrants. That is a list I would like to see. And all companies which would not agree to be members of such a list, I would gladly boycott. And I think thousands of like-minded Americans would do likewise. Do you agree?

Thus, I am starting a new organization...not sure what the name should be, which is free for companies to join, but in so joining they must make one solemn public pledge:

This person or company will not employ or contract with any person which we believe to be, or could reasonably know to be, an illegal immigrant to the United States of America.

Plain and simple.

We post a "buyer's guide" on the Internet of all American Patriot Companies, and all Non-Patriot Companies which refused to so pledge. We issue the window stickers, and allow the use of a seal on their advertising materials. We would need lots of volunteers across the nation to get the word out, to call companies, to build the list, to talk to the media, to promote all the boycotts.

Then let the chips fall where they may. We would not be slandering anyone. Simply letting the American public know which companies are fellow patriots, and which aren't.


Tuesday, January 2, 2007


(This list changes based on input from you. Please comment here (at bottom of this entry), or by emailing us at )

  1. Members pledged to protecting the US Constitution, and the family and person of each other.
  2. Dedicated to the reversal of all dictatorial and unilateral war powers granted to the president, and the swift and strict enforcement of all laws against the hiring of illegal immigrants.
  3. Supports all elected officials who will work and vote for laws that fulfill #2 above.
  4. Think tank that produces white papers, press editorials, and other publications intended to be influential to the American political process.
  5. Opposed to the group, as a unified organization, supporting or favoring of any political party over another. In other words, it will always support, as a group, those individual candidates which the group elects to support, regardless of that candidate's political party affiliation.
  6. Publicly denounces all tyrannical and/or corrupt elected officials, regardless of political party affiliation.
  7. Dedicated to fully researched truth, to the best as can be determined; and open hostility to those who would subvert the truth for political or economic gain.
  8. Dedicated to a fair taxing system that does not favor corporations or the rich, and a balanced federal budget.
  9. Dedicated to disavowing and dismantling the stranglehold large corporations currently have on the US government.
  10. Dedicated to the principle of the separation of church and state, but with a solid respect for this nation's basic Christian beliefs and traditions.
  11. Dedicated to the advancement of alternative energy sources, detaching America from the need for oil from any non-ally country, and to stopping America's participation in the human causes of global warming.
  12. Dedicated to responsible and purposeful use of American military force worldwide, guided by the true will of the people.
  13. Though dedicated to humanitarian ideologies, so too will it be dedicated to the elimination of illegal immigration, including the hiring of illegal immigrants.
  14. Opposed to radical conspiratorial and paranoid conspiracy theories and warnings. That said, the organization is highly alert to the real possibility of another major terrorist attack on the United States and the possibility of unconstitutional martial law activities which the president now is empowered to enact without oversight or a balance to such power.
  15. Publicly renounces and opposes all racism and hatred, and any group aligned with such purposes.
  16. Open to the media, and transparency of purposes to the public.
  17. Internally supports a self-determined yet "unorganized" militia of American citizens sworn to uphold and protect the US Constitution, and dedicated to protecting the members of the organization from all unconstitutional threats, including those which may occur from within the United States government. Force to repel unconstitutional force. Emphasis on safety, responsibility and defense. All members will be considered members of the militia division, though involvement will be limited to member choices.
  18. Identities of members are tightly guarded, if the member so chooses, but the principles and purposes and activities of the organization will be entirely and expressly legal, such that no member should ever be made to feel the need for anonymity, though that is entirely the member's choice.
  19. A publicly known entity, with a dynamic website, blogs, and community divisions, with limited organizational secrets, but membership identity tightly guarded if the member so chooses (as stated above). All internal financials will be fully available at any time to any Life Member.
  20. Annual or Life memberships, with annual or lump-sum reasonable and limited membership fees set by committee. Swearing-in ceremony and an internal accountability process.
  21. One year probation period before a new member becomes a full member. Background checks required on all members. Must be citizen and non-felon.
  22. All members must maintain CHL, if available in their state. CHL courses will be made available through the AFL.
  23. Members encouraged to join local volunteer fire departments, and EMT training will be made available through the AFL.
  24. AFL will actively and publicly participate in helping American citizens in any natural or man-caused disasters.
  25. Members who violate any tenant of the organization can be banned for a term of years or for life, by vote of the directors.
  26. National organization, with divisions in each state....and hopefully each US Congressional District. Managed by elected Board of Directors, with very small paid staff. Minimum of quarterly meetings of leadership, with other committees, etc. meeting as desired. Committees (appointed by Board) will include membership, militia, finance, policy, media, publication, communication, etc.
  27. Youth divisions, focused primarily on high-school kid involvement in civic and community activities which further the organization's purposes and ideals.
  28. Activities to remain legal, and all members are assumed to be with law enforcement and as such, no tolerance for paranoia about infiltrators. Federal and state law enforcement members are encouraged to join the ALF.
  29. Members sign oath in which they expressly state their understanding that if they act in the name of the ALF, in any manner not expressly authorized by the organization, and that act is in violation of a legitimate law, the ALF will ban that member for life and work with government authorities in the full prosecution of that member. In other words, rogue members acting in the name of the ALF will not be tolerated.

The Straight Poop on Population Issues

The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) is my data source, and from whom I rely to help me trod my way through this dangerous issue. If you haven't already discovered them, or if you are new to the good fight, you should check them out.

For example, a great article there is The Effect of Massive Immigration on Population Change, located at